Venture Studio Model

Our venture studio model optimally aligns drug development opportunities with financing and experimental execution to increase success rates and shorten timelines. Foundery I LP, our investment arm, is overseen by our founding team of storied drug developers and provides our studio with access to financial capital. We have fully functioning labs to evaluate, validate, and prioritize drug target candidates and develop IND-enabling drug packages that can be out-licensed or used to spin-out companies (NewCos). Collectively, we aim to maximize the chance of new drug development opportunities achieving clinical proof-of-concept (POC) and minimize the time to obtain clinical POC data with the ultimate goal of bringing more groundbreaking therapies to patients.

Foundery Innovations office

Valuable Academic Partnerships

Our studio model unequivocally values intellectual partnership and physical proximity to cutting-edge discovery at our partner institutions. We will be integrated with the UCSF immunology community, working alongside partner labs at the UCSF Parnassus campus.

We provide an alternative approach to the time-intensive and demanding traditional technology transfer process. Our agreements place us under NDA with investigators and streamline license negotiations to help them efficiently test and develop high potential projects; we aim to ensure that the most promising drug targets are rapidly identified, validated, and positioned for clinical success. Our studio and R&D team retain key knowledge to re-apply to successive asset creation. Academic founders of one asset become our partners as we work together to build successful cures.

Innovative R&D Team

Our laboratories employ a team of highly experienced, dedicated, and focused drug developers with expertise in leading programs, antibody engineering, protein science, immune systems biology, in vitro pharmacology, in vivo pharmacology, bioanalytics, and biomarkers. We utilize AI-enabled target validation and quick-kill experiments to efficiently de-risk therapeutic candidates and develop first-in-class therapies with improved chances of therapeutic and commercial success.

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